The Daily Routine
Every day is different at Nursery with new and exciting things to learn about. We also recognise that children need to have familiar toys and resources available to them so that they feel confident to explore learning. Depending on the age and stage of the child the day will be matched to their ability and needs.
Every day children will experience the following activities;
- Child Initiated Play – Where children get to choose what they want to play with inside the classroom as well as outside. This takes up most of the child’s day.
- Adult lead activities – This is still based in play but the adult leads the activity for example a story or some counting songs or cooking. The adult has an objective in mind for these activities, things that they want the children to specifically experience and learn about. This might be with children on a one to one basis or with a small group of children.
- Snack – Every day children will be offered a healthy snack of fruit, carbohydrates, milk and water. We are always supportive of children with special dietary requirements or allergies so please ensure that your child’s key person knows about these. Children learn about healthy eating, nutrition and hygiene during this time.
- Outside Learning- Every day children will be able to play and learn outside in all weathers. This is essential for children’s physical and mental well-being and so we expect children to have suitable clothing for hot and cold weather. Some children prefer to be outside for the whole session and this is fine if it meets their individual needs.
- Stories – We recognise that children need many stories shared with them every day to help them with communication, language and literacy. We endeavour to read many stories to children every day to support this much enjoyed area.
- Relaxation and Comfort – As part of the daily routine children have comfortable spaces to go to which are quiet and where they can relax and think undisturbed.
- Areas of learning – The following are part of the daily experiences that are available to children. Reading, singing, writing, mathematics, creative play, learning about science and nature, being physical, building, sand and water play, exploring the senses, developing hand-eye coordination and learning to play cooperatively.
Staff at the Nursery carefully plan for children’s next steps in learning but we fully recognise that our planning is flexible to cope with children’s changing interests and fascinations.
Healthy Living
Healthy eating – We teach children about healthy eating at Nursery and we only provide fresh fruit and a carbohydrate such as a cracker for snack; water and milk are available each day. We see teaching about healthy eating as a partnership with parents and we do not allow parents to bring in sweets / cakes etc. on children’s birthdays. We encourage parents whose children stay for lunch to provide a healthy packed lunch with no sugary drinks or sweets etc. For information about what a healthy packed lunch might consist of, please follow the link below:
Healthy lunch box ideas
Exercise – Children have the opportunity to be active all day as they choose to play inside or outside. Some of our planned activities encourage children to be active too such as Forest School, local trips, ‘Action Kids’ and road safety awareness. Every Summer we hold a sports day either at Wycombe Rye (Bowerdean) or Booker Common (Mapledean.)
Children have the opportunity to be active all day as they choose to play inside or outside. Some of our planned activities encourage children to be active too such as Forest School, local trips, ‘Action Kids’ and road safety awareness. Every Summer we hold a sports day either at Wycombe Rye (Bowerdean) or Booker Common (Mapledean.)