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Mapledean Nursery School

‘Learn to Play… Play to Learn.’

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Settling Children

Settling In New Children

Every child is offered a home visit before they start nursery. We believe this is very important as it helps us get to know you and your child in familiar home surroundings, away from the bustle of the classroom. These visits last about half an hour and give you and your child’s key person an opportunity to talk all about the specific needs of your child.


The initial meeting is followed by a class visit for about an hour with you and your child. This is a gentle introduction that is not too daunting for everyone. When you child starts we ask you to stay for the whole of the first session so you get to know us and we get to know you.


Starting at the nursery is a great adventure but it is also a new and busy world for a young child with many unknown adults and children to get to know.


Every child settles at a different rate and it could be several weeks before your child it happy to let you leave. The length of time you stay is negotiated between you and the staff as you are the one that knows your child best.


Please do not be upset if your child cries a little at first- it is perfectly natural. Also some children settle quite happily but find separation difficult at a later date when the novelty wears off.We try to make the starting at the centre a happy time for everyone and this is why it may take several weeks before your child is staying for the whole session.